Emilia Zika

Emilia was born in Maroussi, but grew up in Corfu. She graduated from the Medical School of the University of Crete and did part of her residency at the General Hospital of Lefkada, the Psychiatric Hospital of Corfu and the 401 General Military Hospital. She then worked at the Attica Psychiatric Hospital – Dafni, where she completed her residency in Psychiatry. Along with her specialization she specialized in psychosexual disorders and was trained in cognitive/behavioral psychotherapy at the Aegineteion Hospital and in systemic/family psychotherapy at the Family Therapy Unit of the Psychiatric Hospital – Dafni. She worked in the Alcoholics Rehabilitation Department (18+), in Acute Crisis Departments, in Reintegration Facilities (Hostels, Boarding Houses), in the Outpatient Clinics of hospitals, while she participated in the care of inpatients and in the on-call program of hospitals.
As part of her continuing education, the doctor attends many conferences and seminars and has participated in research related to Bipolar Disorder at Attica Hospital. She has also been particularly involved in sexual disorders, which sometimes arise as a consequence of relationship problems or, in other cases, are related to purely sexual difficulties of one or – more often – both partners.
She is on the ICPS Academic Staff specializing in psychopathology and psychosexual therapy.