Anna Maria Iossifidou

Marina was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
After completing her studies in the United States and the UK, she came to Greece where she taught Social Anthropology for one year at the University of the Aegean. The following years found her teaching at the Department of Social Policy & Social Anthropology and later at the Department of Psychology of Panteion University in Athens. At the same time she had started her studies in Person-Centred Counselling.
She continues from time to time to teach Social Anthropology at Panteion University and elsewhere, but the focus of her interest is now Person-Centred Counselling. She works as a Mental Health Counsellor, but also as a trainer/facilitator in the Department of Counselling and as a lecturer in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the Department of Psychology at ICPS.
Marina has published a number of scientific articles on Social Anthropology. Her research interests include the correlation between Counselling and Anthropology. Specific topics touching on ritual practices, gender and identity development, processes of personification, empathy and methods of understanding others are of her direct interest.