Hara Papasaranti

B.A., M.A.

Hara was born, lives and works in Athens. With great interest and dedication, she completed her studies in Clinical Psychology and has been practicing psychotherapy and counselling since 2001.
During her academic studies she completed her internship at East Community Hospital, Hook Rehabilitation Center of Indianapolis, USA and then she attended her training, in Synthetic Psychotherapy, based on the Egan model for ‘managing and immediate problem solving’.

After obtaining her Master’s degree, she received specializations in the administration and interpretation of the Sixteen Personality Factors personality test and in the operation of a residential school for people with severe mental retardation and secondary mental disorders, based on the psychiatric reform programme ‘Psychargos’ and EHRP, followed by an internship in therapeutic settings in Berkshire, England.

In addition, she completed her specialization in ‘Treatment and Diagnosis of Psychosexual Disorders’, from EPIPSY and her corresponding internship at the Aeginitio Psychiatric Hospital.

For many years she worked with the Institute of Sexology and Intersexual Relationships and with the Boarding School ‘Hippocrates 1’, of EDPA.

Since 2021 she has been working with ICPS in teaching, psychotherapy and supervision of students of the postgraduate program in Sexual Therapy.