ARCHARD, P., TANGEN, J., GILES, E., LUCAS, S., MOORE, I., O’REILLY, M. and MURPHY, D., 2023. Reflecting on the use of freedom of information requests in mental health research Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 23(3), 80-92
LIAO, F., MURPHY, D., WU, J. C., CHEN, C. Y., CHANG, C. C. and TSAI, P. F., 2022. How technology-enhanced experiential e-learning can facilitate the development of person-centred communication skills online for health-care students: A qualitative study BMC Medical Education. 22, 60
ARCHARD, P. J., TANGEN, J., FOX, J., LUCAS, S. and MURPHY, D., 2022. A survey of specialist treatment provision and care pathways for adults with post-traumatic stress disorder Journal of Psychological Therapies.
SOHAL, A. and MURPHY, D., 2022. A longitudinal analysis of person-centred therapy with suicidal clients Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 23(1), 20-30
CHEN, S., LIAO, F., MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2021. Measurement invariance of the English, Chinese and Spanish versions of the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 55(1), 30-47
SPORS, V., WAGNER, H. G., FLINTHAM, M. and BRUNDELL, P., 2021. Selling Glossy, Easy Futures: A Feminist Exploration of Commercial Mental-Health-focused Self-Care Apps’ Descriptions in the Google Play Store CHI ’21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery. 404
MURPHY, D., JOSEPH, S., DEMETRIOU, E. and KARIMI-MOFRAD, P., 2020. Unconditional positive self-regard, intrinsic aspirations and authenticity: pathways to psychological well-being Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 60(2), 258-279
BEHR, M., MURPHY, D., COOPER, M. and CORNELIUS-WHITE, J. D., 2020. Humanistic approaches to adolescent development. In: HUPP, S. and JEWELL, J. D., eds, Encyclopedia of child and adolescent development. Hoboken: Wiley.
MURPHY, D., LIAO, F., SLOVAK, P., HOLLE, L., JACKSON, D., OLIVIER, P. and FITZPATRICK, G., 2020. An evaluation of the effectiveness and acceptability of a new technology system to support psychotherapy helping skills training Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 20(2), 324-335
JOSEPH, S., MURPHY, D. and HOLFORD, J., 2020. Positive education: a new look at Freedom to Learn Oxford Review of Education. 46(5), 549-562
BAYLISS-CONWAY, C., PRICE, S., MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2020. Client-centred therapeutic relationship conditions and authenticity: A prospective study British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. (In Press.)
NAKATA, Y., UENISHI, H, ONOHARA, A., ONO, M., MOTOYAMA, T. and MURPHY, D., 2020. Learning from a workshop with David Murphy: Toward the development of person-centred therapy in Japan Bulletin of Psychological Service Centre. 11, 57-66
PLUST, U., MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2020. A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative research into teachers’ authenticity Cambridge Journal of Education. 51(3), 301-325
SPORS, V., REYES CRUZ, G., CAMERON, H. R., FLINTHAM, M., BRUNDELL, P., BRUNDELL, P. and MURPHY, D., 2020. Plastic Buttons, Complex People: An Ethnomethodology informed Ethnography of a Video Game Museum CHI PLAY ’20. 12
MURPHY, D., SLOVAK, P., THIEME, A., JACKSON, D., OLIVIER, P. and FITZPATRICK, G., 2019. Developing technology to enhance learning interpersonal skills in counsellor education British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 47(3), 328-341
ELLIOTT, R., BOHART, A. C., WATSON, J. C. and MURPHY, D., 2019. Empathy. In: J. C. NORCROSS and M. J. LAMBERT, eds, Psychotherapy relationships that work. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
CHEN, S. and MURPHY, D., 2019. The mediating role of authenticity on mindfulness and wellbeing: A cross cultural analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 10(1), 40-55
RIZQ, R., GUY, A., BOND, T., MURPHY, D., SAMS, P., SPADA, M. and WHITNEY, G., 2019. Implications for therapeutic practice. In: GUY, A., RIZQ, R. and DAVIES, J., eds, Guidance for Psychological Therapists: Enabling conversations with clients taking or withdrawing from prescribed psychiatric drugs. Centre for Evidence-based Psychiatry. 17-26
LIAO, F., MURPHY, D. and BARRETT-LENNARD, G., 2018. A confirmatory factor analysis of the Mandarin-Chinese version of the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 9(1), 20-45
MURPHY, D., IRFAN, N., BARNETT, H., CASTLEDINE, E. and ENESCU, L., 2018. A systematic review and meta-synthesis of the qualitative research into mandatory personal psychotherapy during training Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 18(2), 199-214
LUCAS, S., ARCHARD, P. J., TANGEN, J. and MURPHY, D., 2018. Arrangements for adult services users who are homeless in English mental health trusts. Mental Health Review Journal. 23(1), 64-71
ELLIOTT, R., BOHART, A. C., WATSON, J. C. and MURPHY, D., 2018. Therapist empathy and client outcome:: An updated meta-analysis. Psychotherapy. 55(4), 399-410
CORNELIUS-WHITE, J., KANAMORI, Y., MURPHY, D. and TICKLE, E., 2018. Mutuality in psychotherapy:: A meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 28(4), 489-505
BOERNER, M., JOSEPH, S. and MURPHY, D., 2017. Theory on reports of constructive (real) and illusory posttraumatic growth Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
LAGO, C., BEHR, M., CHARURA, D., MURPHY, D. and STUMM, G., 2017. Person-Centered Therapies Oxford Bibliographies. Available at:
BOERNER, M., JOSEPH, S. and MURPHY, D., 2017. Reports of post-traumatic growth and well-being: moderating effect of defense style. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 36(9), 723-737
MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2016. Person-centered therapy: past, present and future orientation. In: D. CAIN, K. KEENAN and S. RUBIN, eds, Handbook of Humanistic Psychotherapies (second edition). American Psychological Association.
MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2016. Client-centred therapy and posttraumatic growth. In: P. WILKINS, ed, Person-Centred and Experiential Therapies: Contemporary approaches and issues in practice Sage. 119-132
MURPHY, D. and HAYES, C., 2016. Person-Centered Therapy. In: H. E. A. TINSLEY, S. H. LEASE and N. S. GIFFIN WIERSMA, eds, Contemporary theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy. Sage. 295-322
MURPHY, D., 2016. Relational depth: theory, research and practice. In: C. LAGO and D. CHARURA, eds, Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy: origins, developments and contemporary applications Open University Press.
JOSEPH, S., MURPHY, D. and PATTERSON, T., 2016. Mindfulness and person-centered therapy. In: I. IVTZAN and T. LOMAS, eds, Mindfulness in positive psychology: The science of meditation and wellbeing Routledge.
JOSEPH, S., MURPHY, D. and REGEL, S., 2015. Posttraumatic growth in police officers: guidelines for facilitating posttraumatic growth. In: S. M. FREEMAN, L. MILLER and A. FREEMAN, eds, Beyond the Badge: a psychological treatment handbook for law enforcement officers. Routledge.
SLOVAK, P., THIEME, A., MURPHY, D., TENNENT, P., OLIVIER, P. and FITZPATRICK, G, 2015. On becoming a counsellor: Challenges and opportunities to support interpersonal skills training. In: CSCW 2015.
TICKLE, E. and MURPHY, D., 2014. A journey to client and therapist mutuality in person-centered psychotherapy: A case study. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 13(4), 337-351
MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2014. Person-centred approach: Understanding posttraumatic stress and facilitating posttraumatic growth.. In: P. PEARCE and L. SOMMERBECK, eds, Person-Centred Practice: Working at the difficult edge PCCS Books.
MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., eds, 2013. Trauma and the therapeutic relationship: approaches to process and practice Palgrave MacMillan.
MURPHY, D., ARCHARD, P.J., REGEL, S. and JOSEPH, S., 2013. A survey of specialist traumatic stress services in the United Kingdom Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 20(5), 433-441
JOSEPH, S. and MURPHY, D., 2013. Trauma: a unifying concept for social work British Journal of Social Work. 44(5), 1094-1109
JOSEPH, S., MURPHY, D. and REGEL, S., 2012. An affective-cognitive processing model of post-traumatic growth Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 19(4), 316-325
MURPHY, D., 2012. Mutuality and relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. In: R. KNOX, D. MURPHY, S. WIGGINS and M. COOPER, eds, Relational depth: Contemporary perspectives and developments Palgrave MacMillan.
MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2012. Facilitating post traumatic growth through relational depth. In: KNOX, R., MURPHY, D., WIGGINS, S. and COOPER, M., eds, Relational depth: Contemporary perspectives and developments Palgrave MacMillan.
KNOX, R., MURPHY, D., WIGGINS, S. and COOPER, M., eds, 2012. Relational depth: Contemporary developments and perspectives Palgrave MacMillan.
MURPHY, D., CRAMER, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2012. Mutuality in person-centered therapy: a new agenda for research and practice Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 11(2), 109-123
GIBBONS, S, MURPHY, D and JOSEPH, S., 2011. Countertransference and positive growth in social workers Journal of Social Work Practice: psychotherapeutic approaches in health, welfare and community. 25(1), 17-30
JOSEPH, S. REGEL, S, HARRIS, B & MURPHY, D., 2010. What to expect when being counselled for post-traumatic stress Lutterworth: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
MURPHY, D., 2010. The value of multidisciplinary work in responding to trauma Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 10(2), 6-9
MURPHY, D and CRAMER, D., 2010. Mutuality as relational empowerment In: Paper presented in Relational Depth Symposium. Symposium at the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling. Rome, Italy, July..
MURPHY, D, JOSEPH, S and DURKIN, J., 2010. Growth in Relationship: a post-medicalised vision for positive transformation. In: N TEHRANI, ed, Managing trauma in the workplace London: Routledge.
MURPHY, D., 2009. Engaging trainee social workers in trauma related research In: British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy 15th Annual Research Conference, Portsmouth, May.. (In Press.)
MURPHY, D and CRAMER, D., 2009. The relationship conditions, relational depth and outcome In: 2nd Relational Depth Research Conference, University of Nottingham, July..
MURPHY, D, TAPLIN, S, REGEL, S and JOSEPH, S., 2009. Thinking outside the local authority box Professional Social Work. 4-6
MURPHY, D., 2009. Client-centred therapy for severe childhood abuse: A case study Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 9(1), 3-10
SHORROCK, S.T and MURPHY, D., 2008. Empathy: A humanistic take on human factors The Ergonomist. 480(October), 8-9
MURPHY, D., 2008. Client and Counsellor perceptions of each other and the relation to outcome In: Researching Relational Depth Conference, University of Strathclyde, February..
MURPHY, D., 2008. Counselling and Psychotherapy: a mutual encounter? In: British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy 14th Annual Research Conference, Cardiff, May..
MCGAHEY, P and MURPHY, D., 2008. Notes on the Increasing Access to the Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Programme Person-Centered Quarterly. 6-8
SHORROCK, S.T. & MURPHY, D., 2007. The role of empathy in ergonomics consulting. In: P. BUST, ed, contemporary ergonomics Taylor and Francis.
MURPHY, D, 2005. A qualitative study into mandatory personal therapy during training Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal. 5, 27-32
SHORROCK, S.T. & MURPHY, D., 2005. The ergonomist as a skilled helper. In: P. BUST AND P.T. MCCABE, ed, contemporary ergonomics Taylor and Francis.
MURPHY, D. & SULLIVAN, J., 2004. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in a County Police Force: lessons learned for future practice. Counselling Psychology Review. 19, 13-20
MURPHY, D., 2003. A qualitative study into mandatory personal therapy for trainee counsellors In: British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy 9th Annual Research Conference, Leicester, May.
MURPHY, D. and RADFORD, J., Person-centred counselling following an adverse cardiac event: integrating person-centred counselling into cardiac rehabilitation programmes