Kristi Lagogianni

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Kristi is a Psychologist with an undergraduate degree from the University of Hertfordshire and a postgraduate degree in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Nottingham. She completed her PhD in Applied Psychology specialising in mood and cognitive decline after stroke at the University of Nottingham and has also trained in Counselling at Ridgeway College, Ltd. She is also training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
She has presented preliminary results of her PhD research at the annual Organization for Psychological Research Into Stroke (OPSYRIS) conference in England in October 2015. Her research interests are primarily in Neuroscience, Recovery Psychology and Counselling.
She has research experience in the National Health Service (NHS) in England and works with a wide range of age groups and populations.
At ICPS College she teaches on the undergraduate Psychology programme and on a number of postgraduate programmes.