Panayiotis Apotsos

B.Sc., Pg.Dip., M.Sc., ECP

Although Panagiotis started with economic studies, his contact with the Person-Centred Approach led him to a career change and so in 2007 he completed the Psychology Program of the University of Athens and received his License to Practice Psychology from the Prefecture of Athens. During 2003-2004 and 2007-2008 she was trained/co-worked in Personal Development Team facilitation by Polly Iosifidis and Julius Iosifidis respectively.
She participated with a presentation at the International Conference on Person-Centered Approach held in Athens in the summer of 2009. He was a member of the Counselors without Borders Task Force of the Hellenic Society of Counseling (Hellenic Counseling Society). In 2009 he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Counseling and then served as its President until 2011.
In 2009 he was admitted to the Postgraduate Specialization Program (MSc) of the School of Nursing of the University of Athens – Department of Mental Health, from which he graduated with Honours in 2011. She has completed the 4th year of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and has received the European Certificate of Psychotherapy. She has also been trained in the Rorshach melanocyte test. She was trained in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychosexual Disorders in the two-year Postgraduate Programme of the Research University Institute of Mental Health (RUPH).
He worked as a Professor, Facilitator and Internal/External Supervisor at Athenian College.
He is a member of the Therapy Team of the Sexual Medicine Clinic at the First Psychiatric Clinic of the Aeginetios Hospital. She works privately as a Psychologist/Psycho-Sexologist and supervises in Counselling. She has worked with local newspapers writing articles of psychological interest.
Panagiotis is a member of: the Association of Greek Psychologists, the European Society of Counselling, WAPCEPC (World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counselling), and the European Society of Psychotherapy.
He works with ICPS as a trainer and supervisor on the Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling programme and has edited and presented the seminars “Childhood Gender Disorders” and “Introduction to Psychosexual Disorders”. His scientific/clinical interests include the development of Person-Centered Theory and Therapy in areas of specific disorders such as Psychosexual, and quality of life research in Psychiatric Rehabilitation.