During the placement there is guidance and support from experienced mental health professionals.
At the College for Humanistic Sciences – ICPS, connecting our students with the labour market is a priority both during their student life and during their professional development. It is a pioneering effort to enhance career pathways in the field of psychology through exclusive partnerships between ICPS and public and private mental health bodies.
Students are required to undertake an internship within the programme of their choice. They select a mental health provider that meets their interests and that provides the services the student wishes to explore (e.g., clinical psychology, psychiatric unit, community mental health center). They deepen their understanding of how mental health agencies function, and become familiar with the structures, processes, and basic principles of psychological service delivery. Aim to apply to the greatest extent what they are trained within the programme.

In contact with the professional sector they develop their professional skills, as well as their ability to work in a team environment. They strengthen their network connection with the labour market and gain material and experience to enhance their CVs.
By completing the programme they have seen how their chosen profession works. This prepares them for a successful and rewarding career in the field of psychology.