Master of Art Psychotherapy for Children & Adults

  • Field: Psychotherapy
  • Degree: Master
  • Start: 17/10/2025
  • Duration: 4 Years (PT)
  • Number of students: 15
  • Attendance
    Mixed / Physical presence
  • Partner University:

Why choose it?

Welcome to the website of the Graduate School of Artistic Psychotherapy for Children and Adults. Information about the Program to remember:

  • You will be trained in Greek at Unique Postgraduate Program in Visual Psychotherapy in Greece and develop your professional, scientific and interpersonal identity.
  • You will gain a unique Master’s degree in Europe that offers you the trifecta: technical training, experiential development and certified psychotherapeutic training.
  • You will stand out with the acquisition of both European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP)of the top European professional title in Psychotherapy from the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) with recognition in numerous countries.
  • You will be trained by a excellent interdisciplinary team of professionals and academics with significant experience in mental health in Greece and abroad.
  • You will get applied experience through the practical training 600 hours in private and public institutions, in the field of Psychotherapy and Counselling. The College now maintains active relationships with the most important mental health institutions in Greece.
  • You will cover fully the conditions for the registration in a number of Greek and European professional associations.
  • You can choose your training between in person (attendance at the College in Athens) or hybrid form (modern distance education and some presentations at the College in Athens).
  • You will receive recognition Professional Equivalence from the Greek state and you will be able to use your Master’s degree in public sector competitions or in any other relevant professional situation.

Program Description

This unique Postgraduate Programme in Art Psychotherapy for Children and Adults, is available in cooperation with the University of Central Lancashire. This is a large international public university in the north of England. It is the only accredited MSc level training for psychotherapists through art in Greece. In addition, this programme is, the only one in Europe, certified program by the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) at Art Psychotherapy. Therefore, it leads to the acquisition of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy.

Visual Psychotherapy: The initial program

The Postgraduate Programme of Studies constitutes the evolution and continuity of the historic program, which was designed and offered to Greece for thirty years by the Centre for Art and Psychotherapy.

The initial programme was designed by pioneers of the approach in Greece and important scientists/visual psychotherapists from abroad, such as Nizetta Anagnostopoulou, Dianne Waller, David MacLagan, Rogue Arguile etc. Then, specialist partners from ICPS and UCLan they completely redesigned it,  in order to reflect the developments and new trends in visual arts and psychotherapy in general.

Master of Visual Psychotherapy for Children and Adults

Η Artistic Psychotherapy is based on the power of visual expression (painting, clay, collage, sand). This is the individual’s means of communication with himself and the environment, so in this way it further develops physical and emotional abilities.
The therapeutic approach through art recognises the artistic processes, structures, content and associations on them, as mirrors of man’s abilities, personality, interests and occupations. At the same time, Visual Psychotherapy is also a diagnostic tool for psychological assessment for individuals, couples, families and children.
This new four-year (Part-Time) Master’s degree incorporates all the new developments in the training of Visual Psychotherapists and, as such, is a “guide” program in Continental Europe, offering a unique educational combination scientific training, experiential development, practical application and research documentation. This combination leads to an in-depth knowledge and experience of Visual Psychotherapy. The graduates of the Programme possess the necessary skills to work as Visual Psychotherapists and excel in the field of mental health.

Among other things it covers:

  • Theoretical education and training in Principles of Visual Psychotherapy. Also in the philosophy underlying the Psychodynamic Theory as dominant in the therapeutic process through art.
  • The expanded and at the same time targeted personal development of each member of the training team. This has the ultimate aim of preparing for the practice of the profession.
  • On applied experiential education at individual, group and family Artistic Psychotherapy.
  • Intensive training in differential diagnosis and psychopathology of children and adults.
  • The extensive training in the stages of human development and psychopathology that most often has to do with them, in relation to the expression of emotions through art.
  • Training in the integration and effective use of supervision in the everyday life of the professional visual psychotherapist.
  • Ethical, professional and legal issues in the application of Visual Psychotherapy.
  • Theoretical and applied comparison between the dominant approaches and to acquire advanced skills in understanding the offer of each approach.
  • On sound scientific training with the aim of successful future cooperation in an interdisciplinary context (e.g. cooperation with psychiatrists, teachers, social workers, etc.).

Other important features of the project are:

  • Postgraduate with international recognition from the great University of the North of England. Also obtaining the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) – European Certificate of Psychotherapy from the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).
  • Recognized by the Department for the Implementation of European Legislation (ATEΕN) (formerly SAEP)It is equivalent (Professional Equivalence) of Postgraduate students of public universities.
  • Interdisciplinary team of trainers with experience in counselling and psychotherapy. Certified from the European Society of Counselling, the European Society for Psychotherapy. There is also certification from the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT).
  • Mandatory practical training 600 hours. This should be done in private and wider public sector organisations or with professionals certified visual psychotherapists, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation (Law 4763/2020, Law 5006/2022).
  • Ninety (90) ECTS. It is available on a 48-month (4 years) part-time basis.
  • Academic assessment: Variety of methods including assignments, presentations, self-evaluation and personal development reports, exams, role play etc.

Registration Criteria:

  • University degree, preferably in Psychology or a similar discipline. These may be: medicine, education, sociology, social work, anthropology, etc. It may also be the Arts (e.g. fine arts). In case of holding a different degree, the application is put under evaluation, depending on the existence of other trainings or professional experience. For graduates of university courses other than Psychology, there are additional courses in the ICPS, and the number and subject matter of the courses are determined on a case-by-case basis. For university graduates outside the Arts, there are complementary courses in the ICPS.
  • Good knowledge of English for the study of literature. Although the programme is in Greek, knowledge of English is essential. And you will find this out when studying the literature.
  • Assessment of study intention by a Study Advisor.
  • Successful academic and personal interview. In this, the candidate must support his/her ability to follow graduate-level courses. And he or she must do this in a highly experiential and academic context.
  • If the interviews deem it necessary, then a successful psychometric assessment demonstrating the candidate’s readiness to join an intensely experiential programme.
NOTE: This program is a training program in art psychotherapy. The aim is to develop professionals in this field. However, it is NOT suitable for anyone who is currently experiencing or has experienced in the recent past any manifestation of psychological maladjustment, and is in no way a program of personal or group therapy. On the contrary, it is an intensive, experiential and applied training. As such, it will expose you to stressful processes of professional and personal development. For this reason, it is contraindicated for people experiencing maladaptation. In the event that it is determined that the relevant reasons exist while you are enrolled in the Program, the College may require you to temporarily or permanently discontinue your education.

Programme structure


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4980 – Fundamental Principles of Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • CG4960 – Fundamental Principles of Art Psychotherapy

CG4980 – Fundamental Principles of Counselling & Psychotherapy

In this section the aim is to understand counselling and psychotherapy and the developments that have taken place in the different approaches. The basic skills of the counsellor and psychotherapist are developed in the context of the exercises in this module. In addition, ethical and moral issues for the future practitioner are analysed at a first level. Cognitive-Behavioural, Systemic, Person-centred, Positive, Psychodynamic and others are presented within the framework of the module. The philosophical underpinnings of these approaches, their applications and the use of basic skills in each provide a plurality of knowledge for the future psychotherapist.

Semester 1

CG4960 – Fundamental Principles of Art Psychotherapy

This module offers a fundamental understanding of Art Psychotherapy and its developments over the last decades. Therefore, the history, nature and parameters of Visual Psychotherapy and its effective practice are presented. At the same time, the understanding, skills and attitudes related to the work of the visual psychotherapist are developed in the module. Emphasis will be placed on the interface between psychotherapeutic theories/approaches and creation through art, in a psychodynamic context. Experiential workshops and exercises will feed into the theoretical learning and thus combine theory with personal experience. This experience will enhance students’ self-awareness for their personal and professional development.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4961 – Theoretical Issues in Art Psychotherapy for Children & Adolescents
  • CG4962 – Theoretical Issues in Visual Psychotherapy for Adults

CG4961 – Theoretical Issues in Art Psychotherapy for Children & Adolescents

This module offers in-depth training and expertise in relation to the application of art therapy to children and adolescents. Through lectures and experiential workshops, a thorough exploration of the theories of developmental psychology and their relation to child psychopathology is carried out in the light of art psychotherapy. Among other things, students will be trained on topics such as: Attachment theory and art therapy, child and adolescent psychopathology, clinical interviews and history taking from children, developmental disorders/learning disabilities and treatment through art, counseling parents, children and adolescents, recognition in art work of child/adolescent developmental, psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions and needs, etc.

Semester 1

CG4962 – Theoretical Issues in Visual Psychotherapy for Adults

This module provides in-depth training and expertise in relation to the application of art psychotherapy to adults and its interface with psychodynamic theory. The aim is to develop extensive skills in psychodynamic diagnosis, psychodynamic case formulation, object relations theory, etc. Among other things, students will be trained in topics such as: adult psychopathology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, clinical interviews and history taking in adults, diversity and needs of the treated, the process of visual psychotherapy with adults, supervision and its influence on the therapeutic process, experiential learning and the formation of the therapist, etc.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4982 – Research Methods in Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • CG4963 – Professional Issues in Visual Psychotherapy
  • CG4979 – Extended Practice in Psychotherapy

CG4982 – Research Methods in Counselling & Psychotherapy

This module trains students in quantitative and qualitative research methods in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The aim is to develop knowledge and understanding of research design in these areas and to use this knowledge to design an empirical dissertation. In addition, the aim of understanding research methodology is to use it to inform the practice of psychotherapy. Finally, the module enhances the critical approach to the psychotherapy literature.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

CG4963 – Professional Issues in Visual Psychotherapy

This module further develops the students’ therapeutic identity, shifting the focus from personal development to the professional development of the visual psychotherapist. Current issues and challenges are explored, such as social, cultural, economic, legal, communication and ethical dimensions of the application of art psychotherapy, through specific case studies, guided discussions and group sessions. The use of the code of ethics of key organisations/associations is also established. Emphasis is placed on developing technical expertise in relation to psychometric tools and their use in art psychotherapy, as well as practice in a Group context. The students’ “professional self” is enriched with a broader experiential understanding.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2


CG4979 – Extended Practice in Psychotherapy

The internship module is a cornerstone for the development of the Visual Psychotherapist. Not only is it essential for the acquisition of practical experience and applied knowledge, but in essence it builds the basis for professional success and is a prerequisite for obtaining the Master’s degree and especially the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP). The 600 hours of practical training will be divided between cases of application of Artistic Psychotherapy to children/adolescents and adults. It is always accompanied by mandatory supervision cycles with certified supervisors of Visual Psychotherapy, regardless of any supervision the practitioner may offer. The internship is distributed between the 3rd and 4th year of the program.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4964 – Special Topics in Visual Psychotherapy
  • CG4979 – Extended Practice in Psychotherapy
  • CG4984 – Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma Thesis

CG4964 – Special Topics in Visual Psychotherapy

The final specialization module of the Master’s degree focuses on the application of Art Psychotherapy to specific populations and conditions. Specifically, it seeks to familiarize the student with and enhance the student’s ability to manage issues of family-based art therapy, the application of art therapy at the private office or clinical agency level, the application of art psychotherapy in cases of common mental health disorders, and the documentation of the effectiveness of art psychotherapy. Students will have the opportunity to specialize in applications to populations with anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, psychosis, addictions, addictions, psychosexual health, eating disorders, violence and abuse, new technologies, etc.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

CG4979 – Extended Practice in Psychotherapy

The internship module is a cornerstone for the development of the Visual Psychotherapist. Not only is it essential for the acquisition of practical experience and applied knowledge, but in essence it builds the basis for professional success and is a prerequisite for obtaining the Master’s degree and especially the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP). The 600 hours of practical training will be divided between cases of application of Artistic Psychotherapy to children/adolescents and adults. It is always accompanied by mandatory supervision cycles with certified supervisors of Visual Psychotherapy, regardless of any supervision the practitioner may offer. The internship is distributed between the 3rd and 4th year of the program.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3

CG4984 – Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma Thesis

The thesis is an important component of the final part of the Programme. Students are expected to take primary responsibility for the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of the results of a substantial empirical study that will help to document the effectiveness of Psychotherapy. Under the supervision of the assigned Supervisor, the student will develop an independent research project that reflects his/her area of interest in the chosen approach and may make use of quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3


Master of Art Psychotherapy for Children & Adults

Additional information

Everything you need to know about this program!


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    Alexandros Vallidis

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  • Dionysia Nizetta Anagnostopoulou

    Dionysia Nizetta Anagnostopoulou

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  • Elise Iatridou

    Elise Iatridou

    B.A., M.A.

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  • Kristi Lagogianni

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  • Maria Kefalopoulou

    Maria Kefalopoulou

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  • Nicoletta Kuharska

    Nicoletta Kuharska

    BSc, MA

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    Dora Sofroni


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    B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc.

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