Master of Child Psychology

  • Field: Psychology
  • Degree: Master
  • Start: 17/10/2025
  • Duration: 12 or 24 Months
  • Number of students: 30
  • Attendance
    Mixed / Physical presence
  • Partner University:

Why choose it?

Welcome to the website of the Graduate School of Child Psychology. Information about the Programme to remember:

  • You will study at the most specialized educational institution in the field of Psychology in Greece in English, with recognition in the Greek and international labour market.
  • 600+ postgraduate students each year trust UCLan’s specialist Masters in Psychology in England, Greece and other countries.
  • You can choose your training between in person (attendance at the College in Athens) or hybrid form (modern distance education and some presentations at the College in Athens).
  • You will gain important specialised knowledge in Child Psychology such as, the management of difficult behaviours of children, bullying, learning difficulties, loss and bereavement etc., but also a internationally recognized Postgraduate degree that dominates the Greek market since 2007.
  • You will have the opportunity to experience a interactive learning experience with shared Personal Development and Evolution Platforms and with the support of your personal Development Coach.
  • You will be trained by a excellent interdisciplinary team of professionals and academics with significant experience in children’s mental health.
  • You will get applied experience through the practical training at least 200 hours (average 500 hours) in private and public institutions in the field of Child Psychology. The College now maintains active relations with the most important mental health institutions in Greece.
  • You will receive recognition Professional Equivalence from the Greek state and you will be able to use your Master’s degree in public sector competitions or in any other relevant professional situation.

Program Description

We offer the Master of Child Psychology in cooperation with the University of Central Lancashire, the great international public university of the north of England. Graduates of this programme excel in the labour market, with cutting-edge skills and knowledge in the subject.

Master of Child Psychology

The Master’s degree in Child Psychology is the historical, first and essentially, the only Master’s degree in the specific subject in our country. Since its inception, we have been pioneering educational and research initiatives in areas such as bullying, cyberbullying, self-image formation, identity disorders and child abuse.

One of the greatest advantages of the project is that it delves into the study of the processes and mechanisms of development that are activated, throughout the biological and mental development of the embryo into an adult and is not limited to a single dimension of life (e.g. school).

According to an article in the newspaper “Ta Nea”, this Master’s degree is the first in Greece in the field of Psychology to be recognized by the Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (SAEP) (now ATEEN).


Among other things it covers:

  • The provision of extensive knowledge on issues biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children.
  • The analysis of the family system surrounding the child and the influence that this system has on the child’s behaviour of the child, combined with the personality formation as an adult.
  • Training in psychometric assessments children and adolescents.
  • On specialisation in abuse, on bullying (bullying) and the cyberbullying (cyberbullying) through international Intervention Protocols.
  • Methods  advisory support  and intervention in cases divorce, loss  and mourning, adoption or other major life changes (e.g. loss of parental job).
  • Differential diagnosis and psychopathology children and adolescents.
  • Clinical interview and family history structure.
  • The procedure Behavior Modification and other intervention methods.
  • The diagnosis of learning difficulties and designing interventions inside and outside school.
  • Ethical and other professional issues in the application of child psychology.
  • Basic research methods used by child psychologists and their application in supportive contexts.


Other important features of the project are:

  • Recognized by the Department for the Implementation of European Legislation (ATEΕN) (formerly SAEP) as Equivalent (Professional Equivalence) of Postgraduate students of public universities.
  • Includes 80 hours applied laboratories in various child psychology cases, in the diagnostic process and interventions.
  • Interdisciplinary team of trainers (child psychologists, child psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, etc.) with extensive experience in child and adolescent psychology.
  • Secured practical training, at least 200 hours, in private and public sector organisations, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation (Law 4763/2020, Law 5006/2022).
  • Ninety (90) ECTS (18 months normal duration). It is possible in the intensive form of 12 months or in the part-time form of 24 months.
  • Academic assessment: Variety of methods including assignments, presentations, self-evaluation and personal development reports, opinions, role play, etc.


Registration Criteria:

  • University degree, preferably in Psychology or a similar scientific discipline.
  • Good knowledge of English is desirable. You will study in Greek, but knowledge of English is helpful for studying the literature.
  • Those who have completed a research thesis during their undergraduate studies have a head start.
  • Those who have a good knowledge (at first degree level) of Research & Methodology using SPSS will excel.
  • Two years of work experience is desirable but not essential.
  • Assessment of study intention by a Study Advisor.
  • Successful Academic Interview.

Programme structure


Mandatory Modules
  • PS4211 – The Child Development Framework
  • PS4118 – Social Relationships in Childhood
  • PS4212 – Language, Literacy & Learning
  • PS4700 – Advanced Research Methods in Psychology
  • PS4711 – Advanced Work Experience
  • PS4906 – Advanced Research in Developmental Psychology
  • PS49SS – PCD Upgrade Package 2023

PS4211 – The Child Development Framework

The module focuses on important aspects of children’s behaviour and examines how a set of contexts (social, family, etc.) influences the child’s development. Examples of topics covered include: the system in which a child is born and develops, social relationships and child socialisation, cognitive and emotional development, loneliness in childhood, the impact of life events (e.g. divorce, adoption, loss/mourning) etc…. It will explore how these issues can affect psychological constructs such as attachment, social interactions, temperament, self-esteem, motivation and mental health of the infant/child and will consider intervention protocols.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

PS4118 – Social Relationships in Childhood

This module focuses on areas of intense academic, professional and public interest: aggressive behaviour, peer/sibling relationships, childhood friendships, peer rejection, sibling conflict, cyber bullying, negative behavioural effects of play, media and social media influence, adverse childhood experiences (e.g. abuse: emotional, psychological, physical, sexual and neglect).

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

PS4212 – Language, Literacy & Learning

The module focuses on literacy issues and psychology in the classroom, as well as Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia – Specific Learning Difficulties) and support for students in terms of intervention and counselling. The topics focus on practical issues of assessment and intervention, interdisciplinary team functioning and collaboration between disciplines, child and family support. Students are expected to be exposed to assessment techniques and intervention programmes in reading decoding, fluency and comprehension, literacy production, learning behaviour management and family counselling.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

PS4700 – Advanced Research Methods in Psychology

The module will cover a variety of methodologies, univariate and multivariate statistical techniques, as well as important theoretical and methodological issues. Appropriate emphasis will be given to issues such as reliability, validity, effect sizes, statistical power and significance. The theoretical and methodological issues presented in the course will be addressed with examples from the current psychology literature. More advanced techniques (such as qualitative methods, multiple regression, etc.), reflecting recent developments in research design and statistics, will be introduced in the second part of the course. The aim of the module is to provide appropriate training at postgraduate level to enable the student to successfully conduct research in the field.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

PS4711 – Advanced Work Experience

The Practical Training is an official module of this Programme, while it carries ECTS and is assessed. Practical experience in family support institutions, child psychiatric clinics, boarding schools, intervention agencies against juvenile delinquency, counselling centres, mental health centres, etc., gives a realistic picture of the current working reality to the student. With a duration of at least 200 hours (average 500 hours), the student experiences a rich experience of development and above all networking with the labour market. Every year, job opportunities arise for our students through their internships with institutions, significantly increasing their absorption rate after graduation.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3

PS4906 – Advanced Research in Developmental Psychology

The research thesis is an important component of the final part of the Master’s degree. It reflects the student’s field of interest in child psychology. The student will design, collect data, analyze, and interpret the results of meaningful empirical research that will contribute to the discipline of Child Development Psychology. Under the guidance of the supervisor, the student may choose quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3

PS49SS – PCD Upgrade Package 2023

This module gives unique characteristics to the MPA we offer at ICPS in Athens. A series of experiential workshops and special lectures on cutting-edge topics equip students with expertise and practical skills. The topics of the “PCD Upgrade Pack 2023” are offered exclusively at ICPS and include, among others: assessment of childhood delinquency, identification with video games and movie characters, child and adolescent differential diagnosis and psychopathology, sexual education, sexual disorders, divorce, adoption, childhood bereavement, psychometric assessment, MACATON, child therapy, etc.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3


Master of Child Psychology

Additional information

Everything you need to know about this program!


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