Master of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

  • Field: Psychotherapy
  • Degree: Master
  • Start: 17/10/2025
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Number of students: 20
  • Attendance
    Mixed / Physical presence
  • Partner University:

Why choose it?

Welcome to the website of the Graduate School of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Information about the Program to remember:

  • You will study at the most specialized educational institution in the field of Psychology in Greece in English, with recognition in the Greek and international labour market.
  • 300+ postgraduate students each year trust UCLan’s specialist Masters in Psychotherapy in England and Greece.
  • You can choose your training between in person (attendance at the College in Athens) or hybrid form (modern distance education and some presentations at the College in Athens).
  • You will gain important specialised knowledge in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and a internationally recognized Postgraduate in Greek!
  • You will have the opportunity to experience a interactive learning experience with innovative Personal Development and Evolution Platforms and with the support of your personal Development Coach.
  • You will be trained by a excellent interdisciplinary team of professionals and academics with significant experience in mental health in Greece and abroad.
  • You will get applied experience through the practical training at least 300 hours in private and public institutions, in the field of Psychotherapy and Counselling. The College now maintains active relations with the most important mental health institutions in Greece.
  • You will receive recognition Professional Equivalence from the Greek state and you will be able to use your Master’s degree in public sector competitions or in any other relevant professional situation.

Program Description

We offer the Master in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire, the large international public university of the North of England and the Hellenic Society of Adlerian Psychology. The program is the only Master’s degree in the subject in Greece.

Master of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In this pioneering MPA, we combine theory with experiential educationpractical training and research application based on the principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and the principles of Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology and Therapy. At the same time, we include series of specialized workshops at life pattern, dynamics in family relationships and psychodynamic couple psychotherapy. In addition, we offer within the MSc a series of specialized lectures in relation to the theories of:

  • Alfred Eagle
  • Winnicott & Klein (Object Relations Theory)
  • Coherence (Self-Psychology)
  • Carl Jung
  • Anna Freud

Psychodynamic psychotherapy has its roots in psychoanalytic tradition, which was developed by Sigmund Freud and his associates. We focus on understanding the unconscious processes as well as and of unresolved conflicts, that may affect thoughts, feelings and behaviours of a person.

The therapeutic process Encouraged by therapists to relate freely, express thoughts and feelings and explore their dreams as a means of uncovering unconscious material. At the same time, while psychodynamic therapies have their roots in psychoanalysis, modern psychodynamic approaches have evolved and may involve more active and time-limited interventions compared to traditional psychoanalysis.


The Theory of Adler

Ο Alfred Eagle established the Theory of Individual Psychology in the early 20th century and believed that people are motivated by social interest and the desire to belong and contribute positively to society. During the therapeutic process, the patients become aware of of their patterns of behaviour and thinking. They then develop a sense of social concern and make positive changes in their lives. The cooperation between the therapist and the client is crucial. Early memories, family dynamics and current behaviours are explored to understand how challenges can be overcome and the therapist can live a more fulfilling life.

This Postgraduate Programme develops the skills necessary for the application of psychodynamic principles. In doing so, it combines the solid knowledge derived from Psychoanalytic Personality Theory, as well as the pluralism brought by Psychodynamic Theories. During the course, students receive training in the basic principles of human development, defence mechanisms, and the application of psychodynamic theories to specific population groups.


Among other things it covers:

  • The theory and findings governing the application of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in people’s everyday life.
  • Development important counselling and psychotherapy skills to create a successful therapeutic relationship.
  • Specialised training in the approach to psychopathology through the lens of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
  • Developing advanced skills in therapeutic processes of Psychodynamics. Individual therapy, dream interpretation, transference and countertransference. Also Brief psychodynamic therapy, Preconceptions and intercultural therapy, Intervention in contexts (School, Groups, Work, etc.).
  • Personal development and expanded self-awareness via experiential exhibition and group process.
  • Specialisation in incidents anxiety disorders and depression, bereavement, loss and grief, addictions, eating disordersdomestic violence and conflict and others.
  • Training in research protocols in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.


Other important features of the project are:

  • Recognized by the Department for the Implementation of European Legislation (ATEΕN) (formerly SAEP) as Equivalent (Professional Equivalence) of Postgraduate students of public universities.
  • Interdisciplinary team of trainers with experience in counselling and psychotherapy. They are also certified from the European Society of Counselling, the European Society for Psychotherapy, as well as the Hellenic Society of Antipodean Psychology (EAPPS).
  • Mandatory practical training, at least 300 hours, in private and public sector organisations or with professionals certified psychotherapists of the Psychodynamic Approach. The internship is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation (Law 4763/2020, Law 5006/2022), with supervision provided by the EAPC and the College.
  • Ninety (90) ECTS (18 months normal duration). The training is offered in the 24-month format.
  • Academic assessment: Variety of methods including assignments, presentations, self-evaluation and personal development reports, role play etc.


Registration Criteria:

  • University degree, preferably in Psychology or a similar discipline.
  • Good knowledge of English for the study of the bibliography
  • Those who have completed a research thesis during their undergraduate studies have a head start.
  • Two years of work experience is desirable, but not essential.
  • Assessment of study intention by a Study Advisor.
  • Successful Academic Interview.

Programme structure


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4980 – Fundamental Principles of Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • CG4981 – Personal & Professional Development
  • CG4982 – Research Methods in Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • CG4975 – Principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • CG4976 – Therapeutic Process in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

CG4980 – Fundamental Principles of Counselling & Psychotherapy

In this section the aim is to understand counselling and psychotherapy and the developments that have taken place in the different approaches. The basic skills of the counsellor and psychotherapist are developed in the context of the exercises in this module. In addition, ethical and moral issues for the future practitioner are analysed at a first level. Cognitive-Behavioural, Systemic, Person-centred, Positive, Psychodynamic and others are presented within the framework of the module. The philosophical underpinnings of these approaches, their applications and the use of basic skills in each provide a plurality of knowledge for the future psychotherapist.

Semester 1

CG4981 – Personal & Professional Development

This module focuses on the personal and professional development of students as future counsellors and psychotherapists in the labour market. Students broaden and deepen their cognitive and emotional understanding of their experiences as Counsellors and Psychotherapists through the process of group experiential education and theoretical training. Specific personal development workshops that delve into the experiences of members help to understand the development path of each future psychotherapist. At the same time, issues of supervision and its importance for the practice of the profession are explored, as well as professional issues, depending on the scientific background of each student.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

CG4982 – Research Methods in Counselling & Psychotherapy

This module trains students in quantitative and qualitative research methods in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The aim is to develop knowledge and understanding of research design in these areas and to use this knowledge to design an empirical dissertation. In addition, the aim of understanding research methodology is to use it to inform the practice of psychotherapy. Finally, the module enhances the critical approach to the psychotherapy literature.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

CG4975 – Principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This module sets a thorough grounding in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and an introduction to common mental health issues, focusing on lectures and case-study presentations. Therefore, the theory and findings underlying the application of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to people’s everyday lives are studied. Consequently, the first steps from theory to the applied approach are set, with emphasis on developing a solid understanding of all the developments that make up Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. At the same time, students are asked to compare and contrast Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with other important therapeutic approaches (e.g. Person-Centred, GST, Systemic), with the aim, among others, of facilitating effective communication in interdisciplinary teams and with other professionals in the field.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2

CG4976 – Therapeutic Process in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In this section, training in the application of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology is developed in depth. Among other things it includes: Development of advanced skills in the therapeutic processes of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Stages of Psychoanalytic, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Adlerian Psychology, Life Patterns, Group Therapy, Breaking the therapeutic relationship, Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Differential Diagnosis, Prism of Myths and Childhood Memories, etc. Exercises, workshops, and experiential personal development within intensive group work, make up an essential framework for the formation of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapist.

Semester 2


Mandatory Modules
  • CG4977 – Special Applications with Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • CG4983 – Advanced Psychotherapy Practice
  • CG4984 – Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma Thesis
  • CG497X – PTH PSD Upgrade Package 2024

CG4977 – Special Applications with Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This module specializes students in the application of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to special populations with particular characteristics and needs. Among other things, it examines the methods and effectiveness of Psychodynamics in: Chronic and terminal illness, Abuse and Aggression, Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, Children’s Problem Behaviors, Mass Disasters and PTSD, Life Changes (e.g., unemployment), Family and Work Stress, etc. At the same time, professional and ethical issues are discussed in relation to differentiated contexts and differentiated groups and their needs.

Part 1: Semester 2
Part 2: Semester 3

CG4983 – Advanced Psychotherapy Practice

The practicum module is central to the development of the skills and personality of the counsellor and psychotherapist. Experience, on the one hand, in a mental health or psychological support facility and, on the other hand, in a second stage, with individual cases and/or group sessions, will open an important window of knowledge and self-awareness for each student. The internship will be of at least 300 hours duration and primarily with an adult population. The student and the internship supervisor will agree in advance on a schedule of experiences and assignments to be carried out during the internship. The second most important part of this module is the supervision offered by the College which transforms the placement experience into applied knowledge and skills, combining theory of approach with practice.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3

CG4984 – Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma Thesis

The thesis is an important component of the final part of the Programme. Students are expected to take primary responsibility for the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of the results of a substantial empirical study that will help to document the effectiveness of Psychotherapy. Under the supervision of the assigned Supervisor, the student will develop an independent research project that reflects his/her area of interest in the chosen approach and may make use of quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods.

Part 1: Semester 1
Part 2: Semester 2
Part 3: Semester 3

CG497X – PTH PSD Upgrade Package 2024

This module gives unique characteristics to the MPA we offer at ICPS in Athens. A series of experiential workshops and special lectures on cutting-edge topics equip students with expertise and practical skills. The topics of the “PTH PSD Upgrade Pack 2024” include, among others: Psychodynamic Theories and Couples Therapy, Group Psychodynamic Therapy, Trauma in Psychodynamic Therapy, The Concept of Memory, Evolutionary Biology and Intergenerational Trauma, Childhood Memories and Self-Awareness, Family Constellation, Psychometric Assessments, Leadership Forms and Self-Image, etc.α.

Semester 1


Master of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Additional information

Everything you need to know about this program!


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