Quality Control

The quality of service and education at the College for Humanistic Sciences – ICPS is monitored and assured through four-level processes in an effort to provide our students with an educational experience of international standards and quality.

The College employs scientists/academics with long experience in the design and delivery of higher education curricula, who participate in the Quality Control Committee and are responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the programmes on a weekly basis, against the standards set by the curricula and by the partner institutions abroad. Supervision and monitoring is carried out through both planned and random visits to the training groups, regular feedback received from students in formal and informal formats, as well as planned feedback from the trainers/teachers of the programmes. In addition, during each academic year we gather information/suggestions on best practices of other institutions in Greece and abroad. All the above information is analysed and taken into account in the planning of interventions carried out by the administration of the institution, both to solve potential problems and to redesign the programmes.

Each programme offered in cooperation with foreign educational institutions has, in addition to the internal control (see above) and the control by the respective cooperating departments of the foreign institutions (e.g. UCLan School of Psychology), supervision of academic quality by independent External Examiners of other Universities. Their role is to check the academic work, but also the students’ study experience, the development of the academic staff, as well as the procedures of the study programmes, in order to confirm that the level of study at the College is equivalent to the same or similar University programmes abroad. The results of their audit are presented each year through a formal report, both to the College and to the partner Universities. The data from this report are taken into account in the redesign of programmes and procedures and in the reinforcement of best practices. External Examiners of the ICPS to date have been well-known academics and scientists from Universities in the UK.

Every University in the UK has an independent team – a department for monitoring and assuring the quality of services and education. These departments operate on the basis of criteria set by the Quality Assurance Committee of the UK Department for Education, regularly monitor the operation and procedures of each School and its partner College abroad (e.g. ICPS in Athens), analyse annually the reports on the operation of the curricula and student feedback, prepare annual reports on the cooperation of the Schools of the University with other institutions and have the authority to ICPS is audited annually by the Academic Quality and Standards Unit of the University of Central Lancashire and the Quality Enhancement Office of the University of Strathclyde.

The College is one of the first private institutions in Greece to be audited by the UK Quality Assurance Agency. The QAA audits Universities in the UK, but also visits partner institutions abroad to ensure that the education services provided are within the framework of the partnership, but also equivalent to the quality and standard offered at the University’s base. The QAA, in addition, works closely with the Quality Assurance Departments mentioned in Level Three in order to have continuous information on the progress of each collaboration. In addition, ICPS, as required by Greek legislation, has been audited and licensed as a College (Centre for Postsecondary Education) by the National Accreditation Centre (EKEPIS – now EOPPEP) and by the Greek Ministry of Education.



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