Student Activities

Your student journey does not only include the academic part at the College for Humanistic Scienses – ICPS! Entertainment, the development of our skills, new experiences and bonds that will be developed play a key role in the disposition and our mental health.

Our common goal on your student journey? The personal, professional and social development of all students ICPS MEMBERS! H προσωπική, η επαγγελματική και η κοινωνική ανάπτυξη όλων των ICPS MEMBERS!


The College of Humanities – ICPS participates in the National Student Football Championship 5×5, organized by Unileague in cooperation with OPAP.

In 2024 Pink Freud won the Athens Cup! 


The team Masterminds has as its main purpose the volunteerism and was founded out of the need for students to contribute to the community in the field of Mental Health.

Volunteering, social sensitivity and giving are supreme values for the functioning of modern societies.

The students of the College of Humanities – ICPS are ready to contribute to society through their actions and gain new experiences.

"Moodmix" Theatre Group

 “MoodMix“, the theatre group of the College of Humanities – ICPS is a fact!
The Moodmix attend a programme that combines theatre and psychology techniques, having the opportunity to explore new ways of expressing emotion and deepen their self-awareness.
#good2know: The relationship between theatre and psychology is very close. Theatre can function as a means of expression and development of the human psyche, while psychology can analyse the emotional and behavioural reactions caused by the theatrical experience.


Are you a student and want to join our team?